The Law Offices of Kevin W. Zamora

253 E. Livingston Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
614.670.8814 • 614.670.7730

Got legal issues?

Kevin W. Zamora is a licensed attorney and has been proudly providing legal services in the state of Ohio, as well as immigration services nationwide, since 2019.

He and his faithful team are equipped to help you take on your legal matters and seek effective solutions for your situation.

We can help.

The Law Offices of Kevin W. Zamora
provides services in the following areas:

Areas of Practice

Please click on the section title below for a further detailed description on each area of practice.

  • Some mistakes have consequences and sometimes you may need advice or representation from a firm like ours.

    That’s where KWZ Law comes in. We listen to our clients and take their matters seriously.

    From minor misdemeanors all the way to felonies, we are dedicated to providing quality defense for all of your legal matters, no matter the crime.

  • KWZ Law offers numerous services involved with immigration proceedings.

    Our firm helps individuals seek assistance, when needed, in their naturalization processes.

    We also help clients file petitions for their loved ones abroad. Additionally, we provide services for our clients that have unique circumstances seek asylum.

    We also strive to provide quality services for individuals seeking TPS, DACA, Employment Authorization, and more.

  • Divorces. Dissolutions. Child support. Custody. Visitation…

    Kevin’s team works to resolve family court matters as quickly and economically as possible while maintaining your loved ones’ best interest in mind. Give us a call to see how we can help.

  • Civil matter vary on a case-to-case basis, and can become divisive and convoluted when your money is at stake.

    KWZ Law will be here to see you through to victory in court or help you obtain a favorable settlement.

  • Got a ticket?

    KWZ Law pursues the best possible outcome for your traffic ticket(s).

    This include negotiating with the prosecutor on your behalf, requesting offers that are in your best interest, examining discovery evidence, and more.

    If your traffic case includes personal injury or criminal charges, KWZ Law can help with those areas as well.

    Call us - we can help you find options to manage many situations.

  • Wills. Name changes. Estates.

    Personal business in the probate court can be confusing and at a life-changing moment, you will need a lawyer to walk you through the processes.

    KWZ Law has experience in Probate Court and will work persistently to achieve the client’s ultimate objective.

  • Need assistance getting your parenting situation sorted out?

    We can help with that. Schedule your consultation today to discuss what options you might have to help relieve your family matters.

  • Injured in an accident?

    Our team can help. Depending on the circumstances, we can help you recover lost wages and cover medical bills related to the accident. Call us today to find out how we can help you.

  • Are you being constantly harassed by debt collectors?

    Most people are not aware that there are federal laws in place to keep debt collectors in line.

    Having an attorney can help simplify matters for you. The law also prohibits debt collectors from calling you again when you are represented by a lawyer, and makes the debt collector pay you for their violation of the law.

    So, what are you waiting for? Call our team today to schedule your consultation to see how we can be of assistance.

Request a Consultation

If there’s something you feel as though we could be of assistance of, or if you’re not quite sure how to address the situation in question, please write us a brief message below so that a team member can reach out to you and present you options we may be able to execute on your behalf.

Our Location

253 E. Livingston Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215

614.670.8814 • 614.670.7730


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